About The Author
The poet biographies on this site were written by Brenda C. Mondragon. If you'd like to know more about copyright holders of other content on this site and/or use of this site for your educational project, please see the copyright page. To contact the author, please use the contact form on this site.
Ms. Mondragon has a Bachelor of Arts & Science degree in the subjects of English and Biology, and currently works as a software engineer. You can also visit her personal site at www.bdragon.com if you'd like.
Here is the text of one of my own "neurotic" poems, Ophelia. This poem is based upon the character of Ophelia in Shakespeare's Hamlet and was inspired by the Sir John Everett Millais painting shown below.

My Ophelia lies in wat'ry grave,
Eyes gazing up at a sky where
Astronauts fly, away from earth-
bound regard
the hands held by countless
Lovers drift above her streaming hair,
Twined in a lattice of soft locks.
Duckweed-filled mouth agape in awe
Expressing ultimate victory.
The poem "Ophelia" is © Brenda C. Mondragon, All Rights Reserved